Learning and skills training

Learning and
skills training

The integral ingredients to long-term employee engagement and business success.
learning and skills: man delivering goods and woman in call centre.

Our learning and skills solutions are designed to help you deliver on your company’s promises to customers and employees, with the key skills, mindset and behaviours your people need to know, do and be.

At NKD, we believe big messy people problems can’t be solved without brain-friendly solutions. So, we draw on learning, communication, motivation and design theories to create engaging learning and skills programmes that deliver tangible differences that can be sustained long-term.

What core principles and skills do you want your workforce to know? It could be brand internalisation, product training or specific operational training. Our solutions give people the knowledge to do their job brilliantly.

What your people need to know

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    Sales and product training

    Knowing how to sell products and services in ways to benefit customers and build loyalty.

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    Job-specific and operational training

    Understanding how to perform seamlessly in your role and continuously improve as a team.

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    Safety culture

    Engaging with physical and psychological safety at work.

Everyone’s job has a core set of specific things we need to do to be successful, compliant, and effective. That could include impeccable dedication to safety, or exceptional customer service.

What your people need to do

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    Brand internalisation

    Bringing your strategic vision and values to life through your people.

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    Facilitation skills and train the trainer

    How to manage group dynamics in meetings, training and workshops.

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    Customer service

    Designing service standards, behaviours and service skills training.

When everyone feels comfortable to be themselves, and bring their best and most authentic self to work, it can change the entire culture of an organisation for the better. Our solutions offer training for people on diversity, inclusion, and supporting people to understand themselves better which leads to more fulfilment and a sense of belonging for everyone.

What your people need to be

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    Inclusion and belonging

    Diversity, equity and inclusion definitions, mindsets and behaviours to drive belonging

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    Personal effectiveness

    How to be at your best every day by understanding yourself, mastering communication and managing competing priorities.

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    High performing teams

    Leveraging individual strengths and styles to drive brilliant team performance.