a desktop computer displaying the easyJet you matter branding created by nkd

easyJet: You Matter

  • Learning and skills training
  • Blended product

The Challenge

Delivering “Our Plan” at easyJet starts with energised people. Pre-pandemic, engagement scores were strong, but Peakon data showed there was room to improve. 

easyJet know that how people feel is the biggest predictor of performance. Companies in the top quartile for engagement achieve 21% higher profitability, 10% higher customer ratings and 70% fewer safety incidents compared with those in the bottom quartile. The extent to which easyJet staff believe the company cares about their wellbeing is highly correlated to both employee engagement and customer satisfaction (CSAT scores). 

easyJet work hard to innovate around wellbeing and give their teams support in everything from financial planning to triaging mental health, to creating environments where people can truly be themselves at work. But not everyone was aware of this, so we needed to create a campaign to show that how people feel matters. 

 You Matter is a communication and engagement campaign designed to drive awareness, confidence and uptake of Energy, Inclusion and Growth support opportunities. 

The solution

You Matter is a communication and engagement campaign designed to drive awareness, confidence and uptake of Energy, Inclusion and Growth support opportunities. 

Campaign assets included:

  1. You Matter Strategic framework designed to 
  • Create strategic alignment for energy, inclusion and growth activity
  • Help leaders tell an engaging story 
  • Keep people focused on the positive outcomes of focusing on respect as well as results
A mock-up of the framework from the NKD easyJet you matter case study

2. You Matter Narrative on a page designed to

  • Bring the You Matter story together in a simple and visual way 
  •  Focus in on ‘energy’ as a route to wellbeing 
  • Inform and give practical tips for people to manage their energy source
  •  Signpost channels and support 
  • Kick-start conversations 
2 posters of the easyJet journey from the easyJet and nkd case study you matter

3. You Matter Brand including You Matter creative concepts logo, iconography, designed to: 

  • Create a recognisable visual identity 
  • Create a common language 
3 easyJet posters from the nkd easyJet and nkd case study easyJet you matter

4. You Matter Campaign including hashtags, banners and posters designed to: 

  • Give You Matter prominence online and at easyJet bases 
  • Raise awareness and create a common understanding of energy, inclusion and growth 
  • Shift attitudes and change behaviour, encouraging people to take opportunities to recharge, connect and plan for the future without feeling like they should be busy working 
mockups of easyjet you matter learning on two desktops

The Result

You Matter made sense and felt right for people. Contributors began sharing personal stories on internal channels encouraging openness around personal topics and making it okay to not be okay sometimes. The campaign received endorsement from easyJet’s CEO and COO, going a long way to promote a culture of wellness, inclusion and growth.