Over the last year there has been real change. Some change was planned and expected. But we also experienced monumental change that we never envisaged happening. From the political world, to the technological, all aspects of the workplace either have, or will be affected by the actions of 2016.
But change is good. With change brings the ability to innovate and change and HR teams have to take the creative license to determine their role and carve out their own path of collaboration with people & technology to enable the creation of an engaged workforce.
HR Visions brought together senior HR professional form some of the world’s leading organisation to discuss, debate and engage with how technology & demographics are driving change in their organisations. And if they do not evolve and change, HR teams run the risk of being left behind and trying to catch up with the change that today’s workforce see as part of their DNA. With a range of key note speakers from NASA, Bureau Veritas and DHL Express delegates explored issues ranging from health and wellbeing, both mental and physical, to organisational design, to fostering innovation, to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, to developing social leaders, to being a learning organisation, no company wants to be left behind in securing the best possible candidates.
But the presentation by Meredith Taghi and our own Obi Abuchi reminded us that at the centre of all this drive to change was the challenge of motivating, engaging and challenging employees to believe that they and their brand deliver outstanding customer service and that in our drive to embrace technologies that profess to offer greater efficiency in the workplace we cannot neglect investment in our people who deliver the iconic customer service that build client loyalty.
So moving organisations that move from Human Resources to being investors in Human Capital in an ever competitive working landscape, distinguish themselves as a top company to work for, and that comes down to culture. And as Peter Drucker, one of the world’s leading management thinkers said:
“Culture eats Strategy for breakfast!”