NKD Reviews: Lockdown Lingo
Over the last few weeks, a number of new words and have phrases have entered our everyday language… let’s take a look at the funniest and what they’re really saying!
A lot has been said about the importance of humour in dark times:
- “Humour is just another defence against the universe.” – Mel Brooks
- “A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder.
- “You can’t laugh and be afraid at the same time – of anything. If you’re laughing, I defy you to be afraid.” – Stephen Colbert.
And our current situation is no different! In fact… it probably takes the cake!
From the outpouring of countless memes to the myriad of jokes (Warning! Some of these a pretty dark!), people have been using humour as a great way of dealing with the stress and uncertainty of the lockdown and COVID-19.
Doing the rounds at the moment are a collection of new hilarious words and phrases known as ‘Lockdown Lingo’.
My personal favourites are:
- Coronacoaster – the ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic. You’re loving lockdown one minute but suddenly weepy with anxiety the next. It truly is “an emotional coronacoaster”.
- Locktail Hour – ‘Wine o’clock’ in the lockdown era, which seems to be creeping earlier with each passing week… and your virtual pubs seem to be opening from lunch onwards some days!
- The Elephant in the Zoom – The glaring issue during a videoconferencing call that nobody feels able to mention. Bad DIY haircut, bombsite house in the background, questionable facial hair or just doing the meeting in a towel as nothing fits anymore.
Pun-ny, relatable, and just plain giggle-worthy!
Now… you might think that Lockdown Lingo and the other jokes and memes about the weird times we’re experiencing are making light or making fun of the current situation… and, I guess, to a certain extent they are… but I challenge you to shift your thinking!
Firstly, physiologically speaking, a lot of good stuff happens when we laugh and, in general, laughing is good for our health … so in a time where we need to be taking greater care of our minds and bodies, it’s a no-brainer!
Humour allows us to look at things from a different perspective, a different angle… albeit a slightly skewed angle… and allows us to ‘take a break’ from the more grim thoughts that may be buzzing around our brains.
Here are some tips to help you find the humour in lockdown:
- Try to laugh once per day: each day, make it a point to identify the most amusing thing that occurred!
- Slow down and recognize the absurdities that are all around us – humans are the weirdest creatures on earth, after all!
- Surround yourself with a social network of people who appreciate and reciprocate your own sense of humour
So, as we ride the Cornoacoaster to our next Locktail Hour and gasp at The Elephant in the Zoom, don’t forget to take a minute to indulge in a good ol’ fashioned chuckle, a cheeky giggle, or even a hearty belly laugh… trust me you’ll feel much better for it!