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Will Robots Take My Job?

Robocop, R2-D2 and the Terminator are super cool! But would they ever do your job as well as you?

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Whistle While You Work

Why, In so many office environments is music taboo? Listen to Laurence’s playlist to get you through a quiet Friday morning – and whistle while you work.

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Customer Experience: An Airline Struggling to Connect

NKD worked with a premium airline to harness their USP over the rise of budget competitors – excellent customer service!

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The Superhero Burrito Lady

Lessons in delivering remarkable customer service from an everyday superhero burrito lady. What small thing could you do to create an unforgettable experience?

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Showcase: Peak Performance and Mental Wellbeing

During our NKD showcase, we looked at how not addressing your own mental wellbeing can prevent us from reaching peak performance. Are you surviving or thriving?

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Showcase: Election Special

With the 2017 General Election upon us, we notice that engaging in chat about Politics is difficult. Why? We look at the complexity of political engagement.

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HR Vision Amsterdam

We attended HR Vision in Amsterdam, looking at how technology & demographics are driving change in organisations & how we can best adapt to this. Read more.

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Putting the Humanity Back Into Customer Service

Customer service is a topic that provides many challenges for organisations. Good customer service is crucial for every business. What is going wrong?

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Buddy to Boss for the 21st Century Supervisor

Transforming from team member to manager is one of the most difficult work challenges – read about development programmes to create a 21st Century Supervisor!

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