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Are you an inclusive leader?

Do you know what it takes to be an inclusive leader?

In our new blog, David explores the 15 traits of inclusive leadership from Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei) and the use of prompting questions to self-assess how well you lead, inclusively.

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Celebrating women beyond International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

Click here to explore Yasmin’s analysis on gender-biased statistics in the 21st century, the inspirational women behind her drive and her thoughts on what can be done to tackle gender inequality…

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LGBTQ+ History Month 2022

Click here to find out how the NKD team celebrated this year’s LGBTQ+ History Month 2022…

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Why is everyone is talking about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?

After two turbulent years for most organisations, it seems like everyone is talking about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, but why?

Tolu explores the impact of The Great Resignation, why everyone is talking about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and four early-phase steps leaders can incorporate to build an inclusive workplace.

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DEI: In Search of Knowledge Opportunity and Allyship

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is something we all need to be talking about. David explores the importance of DEI, suprising survey results and more…

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What are the benefits of a diversified workforce?

We all know that cultures built on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion are vital to a healthy workplace.

But do leaders in your organisation really understand the direct and positive impact that a diverse and inclusive culture has on business performance?

Click here to explore more…

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What to do when you witness a Microaggression

Witnessing Microagressions can be a difficult position to find yourself in. Ria shares her thoughts on how you could be an ally rather than a bystander…

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Black History Month 2021: Derek’s Message

This Black History Month, Derek shares his thoughts behind the Proud to be interviews, the impact, and why the message is more important than ever…

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Navigating Grief in the Workplace

For a process that is widely accepted as ‘a part of life’, dealing with grief could not come more unnaturally to us. Ria shares her personal experience after she lost her dad last year and some helpful suggestions that can help to guide grief related situations that create open dialogues and safe environments.

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