DHL Express know that the secret to their success is recruiting and retaining the global Superstars of the future. The ‘World’s Most International Company’ needs the best people to keep their competitive edge sharp. So standing out in a highly competitive job market is a key priority.
The challenge
DHL Express are never complacent. Recognised as the No.1 Best Place to Work on the planet, they know they need to keep evolving to stay ahead. Finding and keeping the very best talent means being tapped into the latest recruitment thinking and approaches. It also means optimising their recruitment and selection process to make sure it is global, consistent and robust. Our project to ‘re-think recruitment’ gave us all a real opportunity to re-imagine the end-to-end candidate experience in line with the DHL Express Employee Promise. This enabled us to create an experience that was truly engaging, memorable and enriching for the candidate at every stage – creating more DHL brand ambassadors in the world, whether they were successful or not.
The solution
We started by clarifying the touch-points in the DHL Express recruitment process and identifying all the opportunities where recruiters could enhance the experience for the candidate, hiring managers and the business.
We worked together to unpack the unique DHL Express Employee Promise and re-articulate it to attract the Superstars of the industry. We created a highly immersive and experiential learning solution based around a 2-day simulation. At each touchpoint in the candidate journey, participants explored the latest recruitment tools and approaches. At each stage they focused on what gives candidates an unforgettable and unique DHL Express experience.
Making it Work for DHL Express
We developed life-size creative content that kept the people involved in the recruitment process front of mind, as well as interactive films and simulated activities to embed the learning. We championed DHL Express’ people within the content, and held train-the-facilitator programmes around the globe to equip their great team of internal facilitators to deliver the module at scale.
The Results
In the first year following the programme roll-out, there was a notable improvement in how hiring managers felt. The business saw improvements with HR Recruiters’ communication and proactivity. Candidates also shared stories of how positive their recruitment experience was (even when they weren’t offered the job!).
‘Recruiting Superstars’ is now used extensively in external recruitment campaigns. They continue to create unforgettable recruitment experiences, finding the very best people for the business.