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Virtual Classrooms: Myths Debunked

Receiving an email saying “you’ve been enrolled in a virtual course” can send people into a spin… So let’s debunk some myths around virtual classrooms!

Virtual Classrooms: Myths Debunked

From schools to universities to corporate learning and development, 2020 has seen a massive rise in virtual classrooms

Some people love them, some people hate them… 

So… let’s debunk some myths around virtual classrooms! 

MYTH: virtual classrooms are no substitute for face-to-face learning


At NKD, we know that a virtual classroom is not a substitute for face-to-face learning… but we don’t compare the two! 

The dynamism of our face-to-face classroom learning, driven by active and discovery-based learning can’t be replicated online with a great deal of financial and technological investment… so we haven’t even tried to replicate our classroom modules online! 

Instead, we’ve embraced all the unique features a virtual classroom offers:

  • NKD Virtual Classrooms give people working remotely the opportunity to engage with some learning … this is better than no learning at all! 
  • NKD Virtual Classrooms allow people with all different learning styles to fully embrace and participate in learning experiences – more active learners can participate in discussions with facilitators and other learners,  while more reflective learners can switch off their cameras and listen in to those same discussions

NKD Virtual Classrooms offer an opportunity to hone in on exactly what we want participants to learn – we know Zoom Fatigue is real! So we design virtual modules that provide enough content for participants to feel engaged and supported but not overloaded. Provide participants with opportunities to interact with each other and with the facilitator, and come away feeling energised and boosted. 

MYTH: virtual classrooms aren’t very engaging – they just have speakers talking at you! 


Because we don’t think of virtual classrooms as a substitute for a physical classroom, we make full use of all the features of virtual classroom to create engagement:

  • Our virtual modules are rarely webinars or panel discussions, we get participants using involved from the minute they enter the virtual classroom – either with a poll, a welcome activity or something to deliberate over
  • We use the chat function and polls to interact with participants and get them opening up about their thoughts, experiences and ideas 
  • We use break-out rooms to allow for deeper, richer discussions between participants in smaller groups – these also allow opportunities for networking between employees who wouldn’t normally connect! 
  • We use a full suite of audio and visual tools, such as beautifully-designed slideshows, films, and audio to bring the learning to life in the virtual classroom
  • We use additional materials (such as interactive PDFs) to help navigate the participants through their learning

MYTH: Our trainers and facilitators couldn’t possibly manage the technology!


Throughout this time, we’ve perfected the art of delivery in a virtual classroom. From developing a unique online virtual facilitator skills module to ensuring we have a producer at each virtual event, we’ve nailed how to ensure trainers and facilitators can focus on doing what they do best: engaging participants in meaningful learning

So… if any of these myths are stopping you from virtualising (that’s totally a word now!) some of your great learning content or if you want to talk about how NKD can help with your virtual classroom needs, you can read more on our NKD Virtual Classroom solution or even better get in touch with us at