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Reflecting on Black History Month 2020

This year we had a goal, create a campaign built around three aims, to Remember, to Honour and to Inspire. Here’s our reflection on Black History Month.

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Harvard Business Review – Type Less, Talk More: The NKD Opinion

Harvard business review reports we’re all starting to talk less and type more. Derek investigates how our habits have changed with members of the NKD Team.

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Working from home: top tips

Need to re-energise you day? Check out our Winning from Home video series!
Working from home comes with a whole host of new interruptions, as well as our old ones! Here are our top tips to successfully manage interruptions and more.

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Authentic Allyship in the Workplace: How To

The timing of the pandemic has been crucial to the mobility of the civil rights movement this year. Ria explores Authentic Allyship in the Workplace…

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Coming out the other side of the coronavirus pandemic – not just stronger, but different

What in the world does Kintsugi, the Japanese practise of repairing broken ceramics with gold, have to do with the Coronavirus Pandemic? Laura explores how we can come out of the pandemic, not just stronger, but different.

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Our top 3 takeaways: Learning in 2020 and beyond

On Tuesday 15th September, NKD joined forces with Storyshare, a learning experience platform, to deliver a fully interactive 90 minute session. Read our top takeaways and download a recording of the session.

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Virtual Classrooms: Myths Debunked

Receiving an email saying “you’ve been enrolled in a virtual course” can send people into a spin… So let’s debunk some myths around virtual classrooms!

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The DNA of Learning and Development… now and in the immediate future

Putting DNA under a microscope is crucial to understand how something ticks… so what is the DNA of the learning and development now and in the immediate future?

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NKD REVIEWS: Apple’s “Made in the UK” ad campaign

Jorge takes a closer look at Apple’s recent ‘Made in the UK’ advertising campaign and asks what is it about them which makes them so brilliant, and what if we applied that thinking to the world of work?

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