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New Decade, New me

At the start of the new year we take time to set intentions, and at a start of a new decade the pressure for a personal transformation can be even greater. It seems this isn’t just the case for individuals but businesses too as we found out with one of Europe’s biggest travel companies.

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World Mental Health Day; Time to Talk

Share. Connect. Support. Jana shares some of the ways you can make an impact this World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2019.

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NKD Reviews: Toy Story 4

Before we shut the lid of the toybox, we ask: what have we learnt about leadership from Woody?

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Sometimes Digital is the most human solution…

For Plan International, when it comes to on boarding their employees all around the world, sometimes digital is the most human solution.

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What the Hack?

Think you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Well you can, if they teach themselves. That’s what happens at an NKD culture hack.

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50 Years Since Stonewall

David reflects on how attitudes have changed in the 50 year’s since stonewall and how through understanding, acceptance and collaboration we can progress.

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Scientist Red and Her Great Customer Service Experiment

Virgin Atlantic have always been awesome at customer experience, but they challenged themselves to be even awesomer! Thats why NKD and Scientist Red stepped in.

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Customer Experience: Start with why

At NKD we believe that by tapping into our customer’s ‘why’, rather than diving into the ‘what’ and the ‘how’, we can transform our customer experience.

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NKD Reviews: Netflix’s 7 Days Out

In this review we look at Netflix’s 7 Days Out and ask what kind of leadership does it take to execute events of this scale?

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