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NKD Reviews: Disney’s Inner Workings

In 2016, Disney made a short film titled Inner Workings, reminding us all to check in with ourselves and our purpose a little more.

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Eurovision: Celebrating the Power of People

Is there a more exciting phrase than: “Good evening Europe, and welcome to the Eurovision Song Contest!” ?

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6 Ingredients for Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement has never been more critical for organisations but what are the 6 Ingredients for Employee Engagement? We explore…

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3 Ways to Bring Strategy to Life

Most of us have started to execute our strategy. But with research showing most strategic plans fail – how do we bring our strategy to life?

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Customer Experience: Reflections From the Burger Queue at Borough Market

With hunger creeping up on me, and the queue for a burger a mile long. I couldn’t help but think: why are there so many people shopping at Borough Market?

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Do Strategy Differently This Year

Research has shown that 70% of operational strategies fail to deliver their promises. Why? Find out how to do strategy differently.

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3 Hacks to Help You Stay Motivated (At Work)

January has been and gone, has your motivation gone too? Diana shares with us her 3 hacks to stay motivated at work. Let’s have a positive, productive 2018!

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3 Ways Engaged Employees Drive Customer Engagement

The role of the front-line is changing. Companies who are excelling in service today know that the best customer experience is driven by employee experience.

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Why Customer Experience Matters

Bad customer service reaches more than twice as many, as praise for good service, and in the social media age it can take seconds to reach thousands.

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