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Organisational Change: Creatures of Habit

We are all just creatures of habit – understanding habits can have a huge effect on organisational performance and change programmes.

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The Human Change Paradox

About 70% of organisational change initiatives fail; why? If you want to change a culture, you must first change the people before ‘things’ start to change.

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Employee Engagement: Colleagues or Friends?

Do millenials blur the line between friendship & colleagues, and is this a benefit or burden? We explore this debate and give you our conclusions. Read more.

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Learning and Development: The Value of Creative Themes

What value does a creative theme add to learning and development? Sam Thomas, one of our NKD Creative Leads, shares his views.

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Teamwork and Leadership Essentials: The Project I’m Most Proud Of

Marine discusses the project which makes her most proud, a project about teamwork and high performance leadership with one of our biggest clients.

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A Cocktail of Learning: Blended not Stirred

Gone are the days of classroom-based training – in today’s digital age, a blended learning solution seems to be the most popular way to train staff.

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Learning From Failure: The Benefits of Risk Taking

Should we really be afraid of failure or are we just looking at it in the wrong light? What can happen when you think of failure as the potential to learn?

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Customer Experience – Drowning In a Sea of Sameness?

Customer Experience – Drowning in a sea of sameness? It’s time to get emotionally connected in order to improve customer service – read our white paper.

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A Counterintuitive Secret to Maximising Organisational and Personal Success

Could the secret to maximising organisational and personal success really be to do less? We share our thoughts on the benefits of becoming an Essentialist!

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