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Training vs Personal Development

Training and Personal Development, are they the same thing?

In this new blog, Ayo explores the details in what separates the two and put emphasis on the need for leaders to lead the conversation to push for personal development, implementing it as part of their organisations strategy.

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BHM: Black Health and Wellness with Kwarteng Sarfo

Ayo was lucky enough to sit down with Kwarteng Sarfo for another of this years’ Black History Month Interviews, focusing this year on the topic of Black Health and Wellness.

Kwarteng brings his unique perspective as a senior officer within the NHS who is now working in Virtual Reality and Simulation in medical education with Oxford Medical Simulation.

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BHM: Black Health and Wellness with Harvey Kennedy-Pitt

Derek had the opportunity to sit down and talk with special guest, Harvey Kennedy-Pitt, who is a public health leader, CEO & Founding Director of the charity, Black Beetle Health, Director of Unstukk Consultancy and Chair of the Inclusion Staff Network at NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership.

They both were in conversation about Black Health and Wellness through an LGBTQ+ BPoC lens.

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BHM: Black Health and Wellness with Sharnade George

Derek Danquah, NKD had the opportunity to sit down and talk with special guest, Sharnade George, who is a Psychotherapist and founder of Cultureminds Therapy.

Sharnade talks about her how her charity aims to make a difference in the black community as well as ethnic minority backgrounds.

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Exploring bias: Unconscious bias

Biases are helpful in some ways but also have the power to exclude people – and sometimes unconsciously.

In our new explainer blog, we explore what bias is, the different types of biases that can occur in the workplace and how it could lead us misinterpret situations.

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Performance management: How to improve performance in 5 minutes.

Every employee needs a clear vision of what is expected from them. In our post-pandemic world of work, feedback and communication becomes essential.

Discover in our new blog, the different steps to take to drive performance conversations by focusing on 4 elements: Feedback, Direction, Support and Coaching… all in 15 minutes.

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How Connection, Care and Leadership can unlock employee engagement

Employee engagement is still a hot topic, but has progress frozen?

Click here to explore David’s thoughts on the global state of employee engagement…

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The Employee Engagement Summit 2022: Wellbeing at Microsoft

The Employee Engagement Summit 2022, now in its 8th year returned back to London as a venue-based event, providing the much loved and hugely missed in-person event experience.

Derek shares his first time experience at this year’s summit and explores insights and some of the top takeaways from Microsoft’s Wellbeing strategy.

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World Earth Day 2022

Today the world unites to raise awareness and demonstrate support for the environment.

So how can you help? Click here to explore more…

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