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NKD + StoryShare: Creating next-generation learners

NKD have teamed up with Learning Experience Platform StoryShare to deliver a solution which gives your people the learning they need to develop, when they want it… and how they want it. Watch the animation to learn how we’re creating next-generation learners.

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Future of work: Are you ready for the 20’s?

Want to make sure the 20’s are a roaring success? Watch our new film to find out our predictions for what your employees will need this decade.

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The Human + Digital Ecosystem

‘Digital’ can be overwhelming. We’ve broken it down to three parts, Digital Solutions, Digital Platforms and Digital Mindset, all powered by us – Humans.

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DHL Express – Graduation in Athens!

Hear some of the stories from DHL Express supervisors explaining how the CIM Supervisory academy has made their work of world better.

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Making the World of Work Better

We’ll spend 90,000 hours doing it, for 45 years of our life. Work. Watch our video to see how NKD are making the world of work better.

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This is how we believe all people should feel

Watch this short video to understand how we as humans believe ALL people should feel, and how one community has thrived from the power of human connection.

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