
A self-navigated and gamified eLearning module. It’s digital learning, but not as you know it!

Virtual classroom

NKD’s bespoke virtual classroom platform for online workshops to maximise live interaction between the facilitator and participants through group discussions, virtual breakout rooms, team activities and games.

Digital games

Our digital games put content in the palm of your hand, giving people access when they want it, to deliver bespoke, targeted and personalised learning to your teams.

Primary Connect: Caring, knowing, doing

Click the link to learn how we used scenario-based learning to bring to life Primary Connect’s injury management and injury recovery process. And, check out the incredible results including an 87% retention of information rate amongst managers!

Nokia: #Respect

Nokia #Respect – Accentuating the good, avoiding harassment at work
Nokia is responding to a changing world. The importance of inclusion and diversity, and the rise of discussions like #MeToo led them to develop the #Respect programme in partnership with NKD.