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NKD 360: Why having data alone isn’t enough…

Money used to make the world go around… now it’s data. But, data without a story is about as useful as a chocolate teapot…

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Working from home: planning a virtual team day

Arkin shares why it was so vital that the NKD team got together for a virtual team day last week despite the team still working from home.

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NKD Connect: International Left-handers Day

August 13th is International Left-Handers Day, a day to celebrate the left-handers in your life, as well as to raise awareness about growing up left-handed in a world designed for right-handed people. Derek sits down with Charlotte, Laurence and Sara to explore their experiences.

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Approaching conversations on diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Ria Kalsi explores how we can approach conversations around diversity and inclusion in the workplace… it’s time to delve into the uncomfortable.

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DHL Express: Happy Birthday CIS!

As CIS turns 10, Sue looks back with absolute pride and joy in playing a part in this incredible story… and reflect on why this assignment more than any other has been the landmark one of her career.

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If EX + LXP = CX, solve for X.

If EX + LXP = CX, solve for X… wait!? Why is a next-generation employee engagement agency talking algebra? Read to discover the formula that can change the world of work!

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Black Lives Matter: Protests and Beyond

America and the rest of the world protests in response to the recent killing of an unarmed black man George Floyd. It can be hard to know how to help. We wanted to share some of the resources which have been made available to us, follow the link to download the presentation.

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What can Performance Management learn from Financial Planning?

David explores what performance management can learn from financial planning as a way to recover and reform.

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Has COVID-19 really ‘disrupted’ Employee Engagement?

Nab explores recent articles from McKinsey and Willis Towers Watson and asks whether or not Covid-19 has really disrupted Employee Engagement?

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