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Windrush Day and Me  

The 22nd of June is a day we celebrate the contributions of the Windrush Generation and their descendants to our country. Yasmin takes us through her great-grandmother’s journey to the UK and Windrush Day.

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Why continuous learning is the future of work

How many times have we set resolutions to pick up a new skill or rework an old one? And how often have we actually had the time to stick to them? Ria shares her insights on why she believes continuous learning is the future of work…

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Creating a Positive Virtual Onboarding Experience

After a month at NKD, Nia shares her experiences and top-tips for creating a positive virtual onboarding experience.

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Infographic: Well, well, well

Are you confident that your organisation is doing enough to support the wellbeing of your people through this time of change? The adjustment from office, to home and back again, job insecurity and pressures, coupled with personal loss and potential trauma your people need your support more than ever.

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NKD Inspires: MovementX – Making lockdown mobile

What happens when your whole business is based on providing a service inside of people’s homes during a national lockdown? Find out how MovementX defied the odds…

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NKD Inspires: Khalsa Aid – Motivated by Humanity

In 1999, Ravinder Singh was inspired by refugees in Kosovo to practice Sikh principles on a large scale. So, he set up the charity Khalsa Aid, a UK based humanitarian relief charity.

Read more about his amazing work providing support around the world to victims of natural and man-made disasters such as floods, earthquakes, famine and war.

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NKD Infographic: Trust Through Turbulence

Workplaces are becoming increasingly digital, with many organisations now formally adopting a hybrid working culture, part time at home and part time in the office. But how do adopt a high trust culture trusting that employees will manage their time and workload independently? Check out our new infographic to find out why you need to build a high trust culture.

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NKD Connect: International Women’s Day 2021 – Choose to Challenge

March 8th was International Women’s Day, this year we chose to spend some time with 4 of the inspirational women in our network to explore how they’re choosing to challenge sexism and inequality.

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Can You Hear Me?

March 3rd is World Hearing Day – it’s a day to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss. Cheryl shares her own experiences living with hearing loss…

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