Our ideas
We have a lot to say…

Customer Experience in the Digital Age
Connecting with customers in the digital age is more complex than ever. The key is balancing your digital and physical experiences.

The Future Of Work – Quantum Computing
NKD may not be quantum physicists, but we do know what makes people tick. Keep ahead in the digital age of computing & give people the right skills to succeed.

Generation Next Leadership
In a world which is constantly changing, we need leaders with the confidence, motivation & know-how to make it happen. NKD can help – invest in your leaders!

Your Customer Experience – The Value of ‘Good Design’
How does good design impact your customer experience? Organisations who use ‘good design’ as a driver to inform their business strategy reap the benefits.

Brand Culture: Sean From Shinola
We share a story that demonstrates how one engaged employee can make such a huge difference to your brand culture, customer experience & ultimately, profits.

Driving Change: The 4 Ps
70% of organisational change programmes fail. We look at the 4 P’s of a successful change initiative & how important adapting to change is to business success.

Organisational Change: Creatures of Habit
We are all just creatures of habit – understanding habits can have a huge effect on organisational performance and change programmes.

The Human Change Paradox
About 70% of organisational change initiatives fail; why? If you want to change a culture, you must first change the people before ‘things’ start to change.

Employee Engagement: Colleagues or Friends?
Do millenials blur the line between friendship & colleagues, and is this a benefit or burden? We explore this debate and give you our conclusions. Read more.