Our ideas
We have a lot to say…
Engaging Communication: Our Top Tips
You may have a great message but unless you communicate it in an engaging way, it won’t go that far. Read our top tips for creating engaging communication.
Going Above and Beyond: Fuelling Supersonic Customer Experiences
“NKD create & facilitiate innovate employee engagement programs. Why? Because the result is an extroadinary customer experience. Simple.”
NKD Connect: Facilitating Memorable Learning Experiences
What is important about the role of a facilitator at NKD? We speak with Sandy Willoughby about what it takes to facilitate learning & unlock potential
Customer Experience: An Auction House In Need Of A Mindset Shift
NKD worked with a successful international auction house to improve customer experience in an ever-involving art industry. Find out what we did.
Customer Experience: Does Your Front-Line Need A Life-Line?
Even in the digital age, studies show we still crave human interaction. So how can you delight people with your customer service? Get emotionally connected!
NKD Connect: The Changing Face Of Customer Experience
We have a chat with Sam Lawton at NKD about the changing face of consumer experience.
Will Robots Take My Job?
Robocop, R2-D2 and the Terminator are super cool! But would they ever do your job as well as you?
‘Raconteur’ – Employee Engagement & Benefits
NKD were featured in The Times newspaper discussing employee engagement, something we have a lot to say about! Read our feature about why it pays to engage.
Whistle While You Work
Why, In so many office environments is music taboo? Listen to Laurence’s playlist to get you through a quiet Friday morning – and whistle while you work.