• Blended product


What is it

Our blended learning combines in-person and digital experiences to provide a personalised and scalable programme for your teams. 

Why does it work

Our blended programmes ensure deskless and desk-based workers alike have equal access to the learning they need. It ensures that content, tools and activities meet the needs of your learners, paced over a defined period of time.

 What is it good for

A sustained programme of learning designed to be rolled out over time with engaging interventions that encourage the application of learning, whilst also giving learners tools in the palms of their hands to refer to. This approach works for organisations with different audiences to appeal to. It’s also a useful delivery method if you’re unable to communicate regularly with a large portion of your staff about the direction of the business.

The blended approach results in learning that suits different people, giving them ‘just enough, just in time and just for them.’ It reflects the way they work, and the particular role they play in your business.

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21st Century CFO is the story of how we transformed the mindset, behaviours and capabilities of 1,000 seasoned CFOs and Senior Controllers worldwide to meet the demands of an ever-changing future.

Explore more products

  • Workshops


    Personalised for your teams, our immersive facilitator-led workshops combine group discussions, peer-to-peer learning, interactive activities, gamification and storytelling.

  • eLearning


    A self-navigated and gamified eLearning module. It’s digital learning, but not as you know it!

  • Plug and play modules

    Plug and play modules

    ‘Plug and play’ learning, complete with a facilitator pack, session guide, slideshow, activity materials and a take-away guide. Designed so anyone in your organisation can run the session for up to 12 team members at a time.

  • Toolkits



    Tools, content and challenges designed to be used by managers with their teams, in meetings, briefings, training and during the day-to-day of work.

  • Virtual classroom

    Virtual classroom

    NKD’s bespoke virtual classroom platform for online workshops to maximise live interaction between the facilitator and participants through group discussions, virtual breakout rooms, team activities and games.

  • Digital games

    Digital games

    Our digital games put content in the palm of your hand, giving people access when they want it, to deliver bespoke, targeted and personalised learning to your teams.