Brand internalisation

Bringing your company purpose, vision, values and strategy to life for your people.

Why it’s needed

Most businesses invest a great deal in marketing to their customers. It’s just as important, perhaps more so, to invest in communicating your brand message to your people. Because how a brand feels on the inside is reflected in what customers experience on the outside – the more emotionally connected your teams feel to your brand, the more they will express that energy through their work.

Participants will learn and develop skills to
  • Tell and retell your brand story
  • Personally contribute to your strategy and vision
  • Connect colleagues and customers to your brand purpose and values
  • Bring company values to life through their everyday behaviours and decisions
  • Demonstrate values-based leadership

‘I am LNER’ helped LNER bring their purpose, values and customer service to life in a truly authentic LNER way – with heart.

Who would benefit from this training

Brand Internalisation is for everyone in your company as well as channel partners and contractors.

In the first instance, we begin with some Strategic Alignment, working with senior leadership teams to craft a succinct brand narrative that wraps all your company messaging into one simple, authentic, and repeatable story that all leaders can use as the basis for team and stakeholder communications. That gives you consistency of message, confidence, and c-suite commitment to grow your business in a responsible way that is ‘on-brand’.

We then produce interactive learning experiences to energise existing colleagues and on-board new ones, so that everyone is included and emotionally connected. This gives people a reason to feel engaged as well as clarity about how they contribute to your success. It’s very empowering, no matter what role you play in the business.

Why does it work

Brand internalisation reinforces why people joined your company in the first place. Or, if they joined simply for a decent job that pays the bills, it gives them more of a reason to stay.

Brand internalisation engages people not just with what your business does but with why you do it, which gives work greater meaning. In fact, Gallup research shows that just a 10% improvement in employees’ connection with the mission or purpose of their organisation leads to an 8.1% decrease in turnover and a 4.4% increase in profitability.

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