Rethinking sustainability 

At NKD we’re motivated by making the world of work better, but we also know that this can’t happen without taking care of our planet first.

Explore what leaders can do to embed sustainability at every touch point.

Coaching – the leadership superpower

A survey from Gallup revealed that 86% of employees think their bosses are uninspiring…yikes. Yet, managers who adopt a coaching approach are consistently rated highly by their peers.

Learn more about coaching and why it’s the superpower your managers might be missing.

Buddy to boss: how to support new managers

Whether dealing with imposter syndrome or navigating the awkwardness that comes with going from peer to superior, becoming a manager for the first time is one of the biggest shifts in working life and it comes with a lot of big changes and big feelings.

Learn how to embrace the transition and become the best boss you can be.

Black History Month: Saluting Our Sisters

October officially marks the beginning of Black History Month UK.

This year’s theme is ‘Saluting our Sisters’ and it highlights the crucial role that black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change, and building communities.

Click here to explore the amazing Black women we are spotlighting…